A brand new deck where you can enjoy eating outdoors, or simply relaxing in a pleasant environment when the fine weather arrives, sounds like a great idea and if the work is completed properly it could prove to be a major asset for years to come. Many Toronto homeowners have beautiful decks from which they derive much pleasure but you need to plan such a project carefully if you are to avoid making the mistakes that others have made in the past.
Mistakes to Avoid When Designing and Constructing Custom Decks
When you are planning your new deck, consider the following common mistakes and make sure that you do not follow in the footsteps of other unfortunate homeowners.
- Failing to Produce a Detailed Plan – Whether you would like to tackle the work yourself or you hire a local firm to build your new deck, the very first thing you will need is a comprehensive plan. A deck may not sound like a major project when compared to a home addition but if you do not have a detailed design from which to work, there is very little chance that the project will be a success.
- Failure to Obtain a Permit – Custom decks that are more than 60cm off the ground require a building permit from the local authorities. If you do not apply for, and receive, such a permit, you may be asked to dismantle your deck should it be discovered by local officials at any point in the future.
- Hiring an Inexperienced Team – If you are paying for professional help, make sure that you hire a firm with the knowledge and experience to build a high quality deck in your Toronto backyard. Less experienced contractors may charge slightly less but can end up costing you much more in the long term.
- Using Concrete Footings – Unless they are several feet below grade, concrete footings are susceptible to freeze/thaw damage in the cold winters we experience here. This damage can cause custom decks to move or sink over time, which is obviously undesirable.
- Failure to Plan the Position of Furniture and Cooking Appliances – If you want to use your new deck to cook and eat meals outside in the warm weather, you will need to consider the placement of tables, seating, and BBQ equipment at the design stage. Failure to do so could result in you having to make undesirable compromises once the project is well underway.
- Not Considering the Position of the Sun – If you want to make the most of your new deck, you will need to consider siding at the planning stage, to shade it from the heat of the midday sun. The position of the sun during the hottest part of the day will determine the height and position of any siding that you incorporate into your final design.
- Hiring Uninsured Contractors – Any reputable firm that builds custom decks in the area should have a generous public liability policy that covers the cost of any damage they may inadvertently cause to your property or any injuries that may be sustained by their staff or clients. If you hire an uninsured contractor, you could be faced with massive repair costs or expensive lawsuits in the event that something should go seriously wrong during the construction of your new deck.
To make sure that you avoid all the above mistakes and any others that may be waiting to catch you unawares, work with ME Contracting, the local experts in custom decks. We have successfully completed many projects in the city and would love the opportunity to build your new deck.